Guardian editorial on Raspberry Pi
John Hearns
2012-03-01 11:17:03 UTC

"As for software, no one, no matter how bright, can flower into a
boffin without the chance to tinker around with code. Proprietary
platforms like Windows make that difficult – the bonnet is welded shut
– so the Pi will run on open-source Linux."
Gllug mailing list - ***@gllug.org.uk
Alec Battles
2012-03-05 18:44:01 UTC
Post by John Hearns
"As for software, no one, no matter how bright, can flower into a
boffin without the chance to tinker around with code. Proprietary
platforms like Windows make that difficult ? the bonnet is welded shut
? so the Pi will run on open-source Linux."
that seems to be the idea.

the video for that article was a bit funny. gotta admit, LXDE is a
window manager i will never use twice.

in a recent Debian install, pcmanfm needed several hours of
'customization' to get things working properly. so when i heard the
guy in the video saying of LXDE, 'it's a lot like a windows
interface,' i thought, ha ha... tell me about it.
Gllug mailing list - ***@gllug.org.uk
